Wobbly Wagon

This clip is embedded using the default WordPress (Embed) Audio block. The settings for Autoplay and Loop are OFF. User must click play (arrow) button to start audio. Preload is set to Browser Default.

Mo Jam

This clip is embedded using the default WordPress (Embed) Audio block. The settings for Autoplay and Loop are on. Audio begins to play automatically on page load, and repeats unless user clicks stop (double bar) button. Preload is set to Browser Default. Since the audio starts automatically, and I want you to continue reading with “background music”, I load the player at… Continue reading Mo Jam

Custom Borders

This text is typed into a (default) Paragraph Block using the WordPress Gutenberg block editor (aka “Gutenberg”). Below is an Image Block — Next I’ll add a Custom HTML block, and in it I’ll style a fat magenta dotted border around the same image. Below is the custom HTML I used to do it —… Continue reading Custom Borders

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Automattic Waves Block #1

This post uses the “Waves” Block by Automattic (makers of WordPress). It lets you create animated psychedelic multi-color backgrounds that reacts to mouse movement.

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